Grief Support


Families of those recently passed:
Lynn Toivonen – passed 2/3/25
Gary Arneson – passed 2/25/25
Dale Langbehn – passed 3/6/25

Grief Counseling is available for those in need of spiritual and emotional support during difficult times of grieving. This group takes place on an as needed basis. Contact the church office or Julie Miehe to inquire.

We also post weekly healing meditations here to help during difficult times where ever you are:

Weekly Healing Meditations:

But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes…and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can’t forgive yourself for” -Melina Marchetta

Sometimes mourning has bad manners We feel rage. We place blame. We yell; we snap; we speak harshly. We can be unkind. Yet anger, hate, blame, terror, resentment, rage and jealousy are normal and often necessary parts of our grief journeys.  These feelings are essentially a form of protest.  Think of the toddler whose favorite toy is yanbked out of his hands. When it’s taken, his instinctive reaction may be to scream or cry or hit. When someone loved is taken from us, our instinctive reaction may be much the same.

If our explosive emotions hurt others, we can apologize. We can also explain that our grief sometimes makes us behave badly. Sharing the truth will foster forgiveness and healing.

When grief makes a monster out of me, I will try to find constructive ways to express my explosive emotions.

From Grief One Day at a Time by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.